Regulator investigates aid charity over concerns about links to a terrorism-promoting news outlet

The regulator is investigating aid charity World Aid Convoy over concerns that the charity has links to a Hamas supporting news agency.

World Aid Convoy has purposes to provide relief and assistance to victims of war and natural disaster. It was registered with the Charity Commission in 2014.

The Commission began engaging with the charity in March 2024, after concerns were raised that funds were being solicited for the charity through Gaza Now, a news agency that promotes Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These concerns related to posts shared on social media and private messaging service, Telegram. The charity was referred to in posts shared on Telegram’s ‘Gaza Now’ and ‘Gaza Now in English’ channels.

During the regulator’s engagement with the charity, Gaza Now, and its founder, were made subject to a full asset freeze by the UK Government as it has grounds to suspect that they are involved in terrorism.

The commission said that initial engagement with the trustees gave rise to further concerns about the charity’s management and governance, and it escalated matters to a statutory inquiry in May 2024.

The inquiry is seeking to determine what, if any, links there are between the charity and Gaza Now, if any funds have been provided to Gaza Now either directly or via partners, and if these funds can be fully accounted for.

The Commission may extend the scope of the inquiry if additional regulatory issues emerge. 

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