
What we should learn from Donald Trump.
"DeepSeek has achieved comparable results at significantly lower cost. There are lessons here for third sector organisations"
A look at options for charities who find themselves involved in a legacy dispute
An overview of what artificial intelligence means for charities
A breakdown of what AI means for charities
Dr Audrey Tang, psychologist, author and founder of the CLICK Arts Foundation explains how the cuts in arts are impacting our mental health
Dr Audrey Tang, psychologist, author and founder of the CLICK Arts Foundation explains how the cuts in arts are impacting our mental health
Out with the old and in with the new is taking on a whole new meaning in the charity retail revolution and Generation Zs are blazing the trail.
"Whatever you decide to do, the one thing I ask is that you do something, anything, but please act"
This Carers Week, Helen Walker, CEO of Carers UK, shares insight into the power of a patron
Chief Executive of Bowel Cancer UK, Genevieve Edwards, offers her insights on how charities can benefit from listening to and collaborating with their community.
Just as philanthropy is evolving to become more democratised, so grantmaking must too. Natasha Friend, director at Camden Giving, explains more.
Dr Katie Perry, chief executive of The Daphne Jackson Trust discusses how the words we tell children can be used when thinking of an organisation's EDI efforts.
Emma Pears, CEO of children's charity SELFA talks about why she's "on a mission" to change the funding system for small charities.
If the survey is to remain a useful tool for policy work, then it needs to meet three tests, says Clare Mills
Alex Pepper, head of accessibility at Guide Dogs, explains that when it comes to accessible and inclusive workplaces, it’s often the small actions that can make a world of difference.
The charity sector is facing a recruitment crisis, here, Angela Cairns, CEO of Unlock, argues that it’s missing out on a whole host of recruits due to unnecessary, and often unlawful, criminal record checks.
From volunteer to Charity Times’ new team member, Melissa Moody discusses how her experiences influences her decisions.
Ian McLintock, founder of the Charity Excellence Framework talks through some of the ways you can better support staff, even if you have a small budget.
Anonymous accounts calling out bad sector practices seem to be popping up almost daily, suggesting change is in the air. The brain behind @CrapRecruitment talks about why these accounts are needed and why now is the time.
Robin Hewings, programme director at the Campaign to End Loneliness talks about what the scarring effect of loneliness arising out of Covid means for charities working with some of the UK’s most disadvantaged groups.
The world of legacies is changing fast, here Rob Cope, director of Remember a Charity explains how smaller charities are making sure they get a piece of the legacy pie too.
With more and more charities looking at ways of attracting young people into the sector, Career Ready CEO Tokunbo Ajasa-Oluwa looks at how paid internships can secure this talent
Ed Mayo, chief executive of Pilotlight, questions the necessity of professionalism in certain contexts
A recent SkillsPlatform report found that over two thirds of charities now see digital as a priority for their organisation. As not for profits look for ways to be better digital advocates, these are the key trends that will shape the digital fundraising landscape this year, writes Shaf Mansour, not for profit manager at The Access Group.
As the sector looks to the year ahead, the 360Giving team has shared how they’re starting off the year, how their tools can be used to support charities, and reflections on what’s next for open grants data.
After two weeks of intense media coverage throughout COP26, public interest in sustainability issues has never been higher. Chair of the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s (CIM) charity and social marketing group, Maria Andrews, discusses how charities can capitalise on this interest to thrive in the post-pandemic landscape.
Veronica Bamford-Deane, managing director of Work for Good talks about why charities should be diversifying their income through small business sales fundraising
As winter nights draw in, it's important to ensure your premises are protected.
Winner of the Charity Times 2021 Leader of the Year Award, David Welch, CEO of Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS), talks about how empathy is key to bold and brave leadership
Guide Dogs' chief digital officer Marie Orpen discusses how the charity adapted technology for their own use, and how others can do the same to move their digital offering forward.
Everton in the Community directors Michael Salla and Sue Gregory discuss how they learned from Covid and what things are like moving forward
Alex Waddington, head of external affairs at the Good Things Foundation discusses data poverty and how charities are working to erase it.
Anita Choudhrie, founder of female sport charity, Path To Success, talks through the challenges leading up to the Paralympics in the wake of Covid.
"There can be little doubt that generating an income has become more complex"
“To deliver big, we must think local”
Top tips for running a safe event post-pandemic
During times of stress and anxiety, being able to mark a 'tick' next to anything is extremely satisfying.
Top tips for managing the increased number of volunteers over Christmas.
"If you are a newly established charity, it is imperative you understand just what is expected of trustees"
"Although we are comfortable with our learning programme, we needed a way of verifying that our staff and volunteers remember and understand what they are taught"
Charlie Jordin, digital officer at LGBTQ+ charity, akt, provides a round-up of free and effective tips for small charities looking to strengthen their engagement digitally.
Top tips for successful grant application for your charity.
"During these trying times, the people who volunteer for your charity are more than important than ever."
As a charity, cyber security and risk is an ever-growing concern that should be at the top of your priority list.
"TapSimple has been used for charities collecting on the street, door to door, at gala dinners, and at church services, all with great success rates."
"Only about a quarter of UK charities have a policy in place to help them make ethical decisions. Yet, as life takes a new shape after the lockdown, the need for an ethical blueprint for charities will be more important than ever."
"The concept of experience and time being inextricably linked is ingrained in our society. It is for this reason that we assume that the older someone is the more they know. However, for the charity sector to really thrive, we need to appreciate different types of experience that are not linked solely to time."
"I hold my hand up to having pre-ordered a hot beverage from the other half at a particular time in the meeting. But no one wants to be upstaged by the rear end of Tibbles, the ginger cat."
"Gone are the large sporting events, sales, shows and performances that were key fundraising fixtures, and now comes a new wave of events people can partake in from the comfort of their own home in lockdown."
"People who feel disadvantaged by the push to a progressive society are everywhere. They may be in your organisation right now, not speaking up for fear of getting knocked down. What is all this arguing achieving beyond deepening the divisions between us?"
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to support the cause to save lives, you may have temporarily closed your business premises. It’s important to consider your personal circumstances and protect your buildings to safeguard yourself, your team, and your livelihood for the long run.”
“For me, it’s not about fruit in the office or fuzzball games. Whether you get joy comes down to Dan Pink’s framework of Mastery, Autonomy and Purpose. Are you doing something you have a talent for? Do you have the freedom to do it as you want and do you know why you are doing it?”
"It is vital to identify and manage all investment risk, not simply the volatility of individual assets. There are a variety of risks that can prevent a charity meeting its long-term objectives and you need to understand and address them in good time."
"I want all fundraisers, from across the sector – regardless of whether or not you are an IoF member – to know that you are not alone."
"Whilst we continue to think of diversity as a fairness issue, it remains a ‘nice to have’
“I have a real problem with the continued focus on trust, driven by what the public say they want and how much they say they trust charities in any given moment. It assumes that what the public wants is in the public interest and will deliver public benefit. It assumes that if we are not trusted it is because we are not trustworthy.”
"To ignite change on diversity and inclusion, organisations must win the backing of those with the power to make things happen – the influencers. Here are six actions you can take to influence those with the power to create lasting change."
“The next government is a vital partner for the charity sector. We can achieve much more working together effectively.
“When a system seems so comprehensively broken there are two options before us: to despair and hide away, or to channel our frustration into hope and repair. For the most marginalised among us, we must all do the latter.”
“When I first edited Charity Times in 1994, there was a sense of optimism that was, perhaps, to result in the sweeping victory for Tony Blair. And much like that event, not all of the things that seemed so good turned out the way they were expected to.”
Most people accept that diversity and inclusion are good things. But how do you go about being more inclusive? Here are four things you can do today, says Srabani Sen
"In my experience in interviews, it’s the little things which are the give-aways. Bricks and mortar are rarely the stuff of fundraising magic, but no one can save the world with bailiffs at the door and a leaky roof and rich people didn’t get rich by thinking sloppy."
"Over the last year or so, I’ve heard a lot from fundraisers who are saying that we are in the midst of a period of change – a feeling that I think is being backed up now with findings from recent pieces of research."
"We don’t see volunteering as a one-way street – our vision is that all our volunteers benefit from having enriching, meaningful placements.
Perhaps rather than instructing charities to change in response to increased competition, the commission could consider supporting the sector, and its own strategy, by encouraging charities to join with them to celebrate and communicate the advantages that come from being a registered charity and the advantages that charity regulation brings.
"In a post-Brexit world, we must transfer power to those we serve, to let their voices be heard. And I would add that whilst you might need more than love alone, a big dollop of it into our workplaces certainly cannot hurt."
"Our perfect charity ad, then, is sanguine, not morose. It uses real-life, relatable human stories that close the empathy gap — not the spoils of war and famine to guilt trip viewers into donating."
"In the internet era; a time in which technology has mainstreamed and continues to become part of our everyday lives, the pursuit of digital leadership is a strategic issue."
"Even the most buoyant among us feel disheartened at the moment. Whether it’s the Brexit process, climate change, or atrocities like the terrorist act in Christchurch, most of us are thinking: what is happening to our world? But we needn’t feel entirely powerless, the third sector will never solve all ills, but it can make things better. And it can help fix the bits of our communities that we think are broken."
"Digital is an opportunity for us all to do things differently, and better. It offers potential for boards to develop their skills, meaning that they can develop strategies which help their charities seize these new opportunities, from fundraising to supporting more beneficiaries to managing and growing their reputations."
"Whilst I’m sat here watching this total stranger scrub away at her shower screen (apparently a bit of Cif does the trick, FYI), it occurs to me that if a hairdresser with a passion for cleaning can inadvertently generate such a large and adoring community, imagine what possibilities await for charities, too."
"If there is a ‘special place in hell’ for the unduly risk averse, then there is equally one for the endless meetings of reviewing risk registers."
"Supply chains are becoming increasingly opaque. Charities must remain diligent throughout the entire process. Both Comic Relief and Spice Girls checked out the ethical sourcing credentials of manufacturer Represent, however, it subsequently changed the manufacturer without their knowledge. "As a result, we’re seeing first-hand the reputational damage that can occur from unethical sourcing practices."
"Too few charities realise that property management is part of financial management. This should not be surprising given so many finance directors have responsibility for premises."
"January is the month of New Year resolutions and it seems that a common one to make is the decision to go out and volunteer for a charity. It’s a great impulse."
"Communities are crying out for change. Charities and other social change organisations should be actively seeking them out and setting about co-creating answers to the questions being asked of society."
"Given how risky charities consider property to be, we need much greater attention and resources paid to property at trustee level to ensure property budget lines are spent as a priority.
"Wherever you are on the politics of this, there is one thing we must all do now - speak up for our beneficiaries."
There is no one size fits all ‘perfect’ annual report, and nor should there be given the diversity of the charity sector. However, there is a lot that charities can do to move beyond a minimum compliance lens in their reporting.
"Our sector is strongest when we are together [...] Yet working together isn’t always easy."
It is essential that the right people are recruited to trustee boards, not just in terms of skills, attributes and competences, but also in ensuring an individual meets the legal and constitutional eligibility criteria.
"The average age of a charity trustee is 61. Yet diversity improves governance and organisation success."
Many charities struggle to recruit new trustees and attribute it to a lack of willing volunteers, but for most, poor advertisement is usually at the root of the problem.
"Rules and regulations are essential in setting clear requirements and holding organisations to account if things go wrong, but they can only go so far. Without the right values, culture, and behaviours being set and lived by each and every charity, the safeguarding of everyone who comes into contact with our fundraising activities cannot be achieved."
"Throughout the engagement exercise, there has been an undertone from the government that although it is “ambitious” for our sector, there is no money around to deliver the strategy. The industrial strategy by contrast has been backed up by tens of billions in government spending through the creation of new investment funds and tax breaks."
" The RSPCA has faced criticism for ‘double standards’ in saving a seal whilst also certifying fish farms that shoot seals. This is a complex issue that involves the humanity of leaving a stranded seal to die and the ‘realpolitik’ of attempting to improve fisheries standards."
"A recent report investigated 59 major solar, bioenergy and geothermal companies and concluded that only five meet its four basic criteria to protect communities and workers."
"It is time charity boards reassess how they recruit and focus on a candidate-led approach. By placing the search process at the heart and finding the right people for the right roles, we can ensure that charities will be able to improve functionality, raise more money and ultimately, deploy their resources more effectively for the communities and causes they serve."
"Thanking volunteers is a welcome acknowledgement of the role they play, but probably not enough for the majority."
"We must do more to collectively engage the government, challenge negative media stories and inspire the public," says Peter Lewis.
"Are we being too insular? Are we getting the data that we need to take effective decisions? Are we really pushing ourselves to be the best that we can be?," says Caron Bradshaw
"As we hurtle towards a cashless society, fundraising is set to change. But it doesn’t need to mean the end of street collections. Instead it paves the way for digital giving and contactless collecting tins."
“Responsible property investment goes far beyond simply reducing carbon emissions and waste,” says Clare Berthoud.
"A trustee’s work is never done, just when you have data protection under control, cybersecurity will rear its head. When that is finished, a harassment query will spring to mind, the budget is reoccurring and ethical investment is not far behind. There are many challenges, but the rewards are even greater."
"Research on funding practice over the last five years has consistently called for a change in practice. So, could we do with a little disruption?" Caroline Mason says in her new blog, written for Acevo's 30 things to think about.
"We are missing out by not learning from businesses at the same time as they are learning from us", Sarah Mitchell explains in her new blog written for Acevo’s 30 things to think about.
"The blockchain could remove the need for the costly middlemen", Rhodri Davies explains in his new blog written for Acevo’s 30 things to think about.
"Broadly, the argument for charging charities is that most regulators are funded by the sector they regulate. In addition as the commission is facing increasing pressure on its funding there is an inevitable pressure to make up the shortfall."
"In a world of shrinking attention spans and ‘issue fatigue’, finding new ways of creating meaningful engagement with consumers is becoming ever more crucial for campaigns."
"A charity’s digital presence is a key facilitator in rebuilding and maintaining trust. Similarly, with GDPR and opt in on the horizon, it is more important than ever that charities review their websites to ensure the new regulations are met. This has a direct impact on charities ability to build trust online."
"The collective complaint was that we are not speaking up enough for our beneficiaries. I implore you to do so. If your beneficiaries will be prejudiced by the restriction of movement of workers, or the flight of EU grants, speak up. Tell MPs. That is your job."
“There is no golden rule that says poor people must put up with poor property. Equally there is no rule that says voluntary organisations working in poor communities must work in rotten property either.”
"The opportunities that AI offers digital are endless and can make a huge impact on people’s lives. It is more important than ever that charities embrace leading edge technology to make a change."
Dame Stephanie Shirley on how the Shirley Foundation has developed over 20 years
Departing CEO Sarah Talbot-Williams reflects on eight years leading Above & Beyond
Richard Moore looks at what charities can do when the relationship between the CEO and chair does not go to plan
Polly Wallace-Kruger provides tips on how to deal with an uncertain, and potentially disruptive, external environment
Director of people and culture Debbie Mawer explains how Claims Consortium Group’s relationship with a local charity reaps mutual benefits
Miriam Cunningham covers some steps anyone can take to make sure their plan is clear and cohesive
Kathryn Morley says it is willingness to collaborate and a sense of shared purpose that makes cross-sector boards work
Joe Irvin calls on the sector to urge the government to consult on allowing trustees reasonable time off work
Cheryl Chapman calls for a rethink on how we receive philanthropists as a nation
Julie Laxton explains Touchstone Support’s decision to put in place a trustee appraisal framework, and the benefits it has had to the charity
Colin Baines says charities and foundations should seize the opportunity to support the community energy sector
YMCA Birmingham CEO Alan Fraser says English devolution means third sector organisations need to prepare for a new reality if they are to survive
Caroline Slocock says the voices of marginalised and disempowered groups must be heard, and the voluntary sector has a vital role in ensuring it is
Friends Provident Foundation director Danielle Walker Palmour responds to the issues highlighted in a Demos study the charity commissioned to look at the opportunities and threats to the creation of a more resilient UK economy after Brexit
National Ugly Mugs CEO Alex Feis Bryce says tech can have a transformative effect in delivering social change, as charities face increasing demands to deliver more for less
Ikhlaq Hussain of Orphans In Need says charities of all sizes can have successful major giving programmes
Sir Stuart Etherington says there is a long way to go in terms of fair representation of the UK population in the charity sector’s workforce
Nandi de Haas says research has found there is a wide variety in the quality of responsible investment performance and disclosures
Following the launch of Skills for Health’s new social media toolkit senior marketing manager Dawn Bratcher shares some key tips
The DMA's Skip Fidura says charities must be honest, transparent and give individuals control to build and maintain trust
Esther Blake says volunteer mentors can transform the lives of children in care
ShareAction’s Jo Mountford explains how investing responsibly can see charities' investments support their missions with more than just financial returns
Children England CEO Kathy Evans says recent evidence of declining trust in society’s institutions is a call to action for the charity sector
Ikhlaq Hussain of Orphans In Need on how the presentation of a thank you letter can make all the difference to major donors
Refuge chief executive Sandra Horley CBE explains how impact measurement is crucial to the charity's success
Dr Penny Woods, CEO of British Lung Foundation provides her thoughts on the future for funding
OnSide Youth Zones chief executive Kathryn Morley says innovation and collaboration are needed if voluntary and public sector provision is to continue to deliver
Action Tutoring chief executive Susannah Hardyman says giving is as much about volunteering as donating money
Eastside Primetimers CEO Richard Litchfield argues that the bodies supporting the voluntary sector should operate in a more joined up way to improve the infrastructure for charity mergers
The CEOs of Impetus PEF and Action Tutoring say charities should stop short changing themselves
Janey from Shelter says personalisation was at the heart of the charity’s award winning Fix Renting campaign
Digital communications expert and co-author of the Charity Social Media Toolkit Zoe Amar looks at why charities should learn from each other to reap the benefits of social media
Nicholas Faraday says a vital part of what an organisation does is how it manages and reports on its finances, and this is equally true for small charities
Bircham Dyson Bell senior associate Sarah Williams says changes outlined in a recent consultation could help charities focus on their missions and avoid costly delays in implementing decisions
Executive and board level support is a key part of successful legacy fundraising campaigns, says Remember A Charity director Rob Cope
Richard Litchfield says providing practical support alongside grants can help funded charities boost the impact of their grant money, but there needs to be greater willingness to get behind a ‘grants plus’ model
Mike Kelly discusses why the third sector must do more to demonstrate its value, following the Charity Commission’s announcement that public trust and confidence in charities is at its lowest level since monitoring began
Geetha Rabindrakumar explains why it is not just the finance team that should take an interest in social investment
Simon Callaghan on the need to increase the number of trustees with fundraising skills
Shadow Minister for Civil Society Anna Turley argues British charities benefit hugely from the UK’s membership of the EU
Becky Slack argues charities need to be braver in their media activity, willing to put their head above the parapet and challenge the status quo
Following research last week showing small and medium-sized charities are suffering the most from public spending cuts, Locality chief executive Tony Armstrong outlines how his organisation is working to safeguard the resilience of its members
Alex Goldup argues charities need to protect their reputations, but this will only be possible if they do not shy away from asking difficult questions about how they operate
Camila’s Kids Company: The Inside Story proved to be a fascinating, if disheartening, look behind the scenes at the charity during its final days
YouGov’s Briony Gunstone says that although the sector’s reputation took a hit in 2015, the change in perception is not irreversible
Acevo’s Simon Dixon argues for a permanent and revolutionary change placing charities and the individual at the centre of public service delivery
Eastside Primetimers CEO Richard Litchfield says the Charity Commission has a major role to play in helping trustees think objectively about their achievement of mission and impact
Esther Foreman and Grant Taylor are bringing together experts to work out the practical steps needed to attract and retain technology and digital skills on trustee boards
Dr Stephen Hill and Mia Campbell of the Fraud Advisory Panel look at the risks facing charities online, and how they can be managed
Lindsay Boswell argues that while the Etherington review contains many excellent proposals, the recommendation to scrap the FRSB is ‘deeply flawed’
As he announces the launch of a new campaign, A Million Hands, with six charity partners, The Scout Association’s chief executive, Matt Hyde explains how a partnership approach is empowering young people to make social change
Eibhlin Ni Ogain covers the lessons Nesta Impact Investments has learnt while providing support to social enterprises
Councils should open up their public meetings to local news 'bloggers' and routinely allow online filming of public discussions as part of increasing their transparency, Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles said. Local Government Minister Bob Neill has written to all councils urging greater openness and calling on them to adopt a modern day approach so that credible community or 'hyper-local' bloggers and online broadcasters get the same routine access to council meetings as the traditional accredited media have.
Charity Times video Q&A: In conversation with Hilda Hayo, CEO of Dementia UK
Charity Times editor, Lauren Weymouth, is joined by Dementia UK CEO, Hilda Hayo to discuss why the charity receives such high workplace satisfaction results, what a positive working culture looks like and the importance of lived experience among staff. The pair talk about challenges facing the charity, the impact felt by the pandemic and how it's striving to overcome obstacles and continue to be a highly impactful organisation for anybody affected by dementia.
Charity Times Awards 2023

Mitigating risk and reducing claims
The cost-of-living crisis is impacting charities in a number of ways, including the risks they take. Endsleigh Insurance’s* senior risk management consultant Scott Crichton joins Charity Times to discuss the ramifications of prioritising certain types of risk over others, the financial implications risk can have if not managed properly, and tips for charities to help manage those risks.

* Coming soon… Howden, the new name for Endsleigh.