Coronavirus: Directory of Social Change furloughs 70% of staff

The Directory of Social Change (DSC) has furloughed almost 70% of staff as the organisation attempts to self-finance amid the coronavirus health crisis.

In an announcement on the DSC website published last week, chief executive Debra Allcock-Tyler said self-financing is a ‘strong and reliable’ funding model, but one which cannot run during the pandemic.

The organisation funds itself on sales of events, publications and its funding website – a model Allcock-Tyler said has ‘completely dried up for the time being’.

However, she said she is “confident that this is a short-term situation and we will bounce back later in the year”.

The organisation will continue to update its Funds Online database, so charities can still find the funding it needs. It will also continue to research new and additional sources of funding to specifically support charities through the pandemic.

Additionally, it will develop online resources to help people to work from home and campaign with sector colleagues for support for the wider sector.

“We understand that many of you are in the same boat and our hearts bleed for you and those you are trying to serve,” Allcock-Tyler said.

“We will still be doing our level best to provide you with information and support to help you to both survive and continue your vital work and we are working hard with sector colleagues to get more resources in to our sector.

“We believe that we, and many of you, will get through this and we hope to be back up and running and fully staffed as soon as is possible.

“See you all on the other side. Stay safe. Stay well. Health first.”

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