More than 100 charity leaders sign trans rights pledge

The #StandWithTrans campaign has been backed by more than 100 charity leaders.

Leaders at charities including Samaritans, Oxfam, The Children’s Society, Teenage Cancer Trust and Mermaids have signed the campaign’s pledge to “foster an environment that embraces all trans and non-binary people and robustly rejects anti-trans hate”.

The campaign has been launched by the group Charity So Straight, which earlier in the week warned that anti-trans rhetoric is at a “dangerous precipice”.

The leaders at Waterwise, Cranfield Trust, Gosport Voluntary Action and LGBT Foundation are among others to sign the pledge.

Samaritans’ chief executive Julie Bentley has signed the pledge as she wants “Samaritans to be a safe place for all people to work, volunteer and seek help, including trans people”.

She added: “We still have work to do but as part of our ongoing commitment to inclusion we are working with our diversity network group for LGBTQIA+ volunteers to ensure we achieve this.”

Also signing is Oxfam’s chief transformation officer Alison Court.

“Trans and non binary colleagues need our support and solidarity whilst they are being relentlessly attacked,” she said.

Another is Gosport Voluntary Action chief executive Kay Hallsworth, who said: “As an ally and an advocate for inclusion in the workplace I fully support the #StandWithTrans campaign.

“So many people in our community have spent years hidden away and afraid to be themselves, as LGBTQ+ or Trans, because they didn’t know where they could find help and support or feel included.

“As a CEO in the voluntary sector, I want people to know that our organisation and our services are inclusive of everyone and always will be, and I’m delighted to say that I wholeheartedly #StandWithTrans.”

The campaign team is staging a webinar on Thursday 20 at pm where charity leaders can meet trans and non-binary volunteers.

This latest developing in the campaign comes as it emerged that Mermaids and a consortium of charities lost its legal bid to challenge the charity status of LGB Alliance. Mermaids has accused the Alliance of being “focused on hostile anti-trans activism" and disputes its claim that it has been set up to promote lesbian, gay and bisexual rights.

The LGB Alliance said it was “delighted” that the legal challenge failed, but added that its legal fees have amounted to more than £250,000.

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