Localisation prompts UK charity chief to step aside for Zambia based CEO

The chief executive of a UK aid charity that works to improve healthcare in rural Zambia is to step aside so the charity can recruit a locally based leader.

On Call Africa’s CEO Ben Margetts is to step down in March 2025 with the charity looking to hire a Zambia based replacement “as soon as possible to facilitate a seamless handover before I move on”, he said.

The Glasgow and Zambia head quartered charity is also looking to increase Zambian representation on its board of trustees.

“I feel it’s important to have a CEO who is proximate to our work, driving it forward and ensuring alignment with the needs of the Zambian Health System,” said Margetts.

“As an organisation, we’ve been exploring what localisation means for On Call Africa and are excited to be looking to recruit a new CEO based in Zambia. This aligns with our broader plans to empower decision-making by those closer to our work."

Margetts joined On Call Africa as CEO five years ago. He was previously interim income generation manager at Community Links and CEO of Team Kenya UK for two years.

Two years ago international aid body Bond published guidance urging charities to “decolonise” their local operations.

Bond said the move would help tackle ideologies of “superiority and privilege of Western thought and approaches” and combat racism in the aid sector.

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