Funder hands 27 hospice charities £8.7m to tackle cost-of-living crisis

Grants totalling £8.7m are to be handed by the Julia and Hans Rausing Trust to 27 hospices across the UK to help them meet cost of living challenges.

The money will be used to help them meet day to day running costs that have risen due to inflation and high energy prices.

Working with umbrella body Hospice UK the trust is targeting hospices with less than 12 months of funds in reserve.

Those operating in regions with the highest proportion of hospices in need have also ben targeted, including the East Midlands, East of England, the North East and Scotland.

The Trust’s areas of focus in East Cheshire, Gloucestershire and London are also being targeted.

According to Hospice UK almost all hospices (96%) had a budget deficit in 2022/23 and are collectively facing a deficit of £186m in 2023/24.

Just under three in ten had less than six months of reserves available and their running costs have risen 500% amid increases in wages and energy bills.

The grants are for the next three years to offer hospices financial stability amid the cost of living crisis, says the funder.

“The rising cost of living has left hospices in a perilous financial position,” said Julia and Hans Rausing.

“We know many are receiving fewer or smaller donations than in previous years, so we hope that these grants can be a lifeline, enabling these wonderful hospices to continue providing care and support in their communities across the UK.”

Hospice UK chief executive Toby Porter added: “This could not be more timely or more welcome. Their philanthropy comes as a time when hospices across the UK are facing immense challenges, as costs soar and the current economic climate creates a tough fundraising environment.

“Adult hospices rely on charitable donations for on average of two thirds of their income, for children’s hospices, this rises to four fifths.”

Among those to benefit is Sue Ryder, which has received more than £1m over the next three years.

“Currently, we only receive around one third of the funds needed to provide our expert end-of-life care from government,” said the charity’s chief executive Heidi Travis.

“This means that Sue Ryder and other palliative care providers such as us, are heavily reliant on the generosity of supporters such as Julia and Hans Rausing.”

Other hospices to benefit include Ashgate Hospicecare in East Midlands, East of England based St Helena Hospice, Gloucestershire’s Longfield Hospice Care and London’s Royal Trinity Hospice and St John’s Hospice.

Northeast of England hospices to receive grants include Alice House Hospice and St Cuthbert’s Hospice, while in Scotland’s Ardogowan Hopsice, Kikbryde Hospice and St Vincen’t Hospice Ltd have received funding.

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