Adoption charities announce merger

Two Midlands based adoption charities are to merge to become one of the largest voluntary sector providers of adoption services in the country.

The move will see Birmingham based Adoption Focus merge with Faith in Families, which is based in Nottingham.

The move will be completed on 1 January 2022 and will create one of the largest voluntary adoption agencies in the country, with 60 staff.

It will operate across a third of England, from the South Yorkshire border to the M25 near London.

The new charity will operate under the Adoption Focus name and have a combined annual income of £3.5m. The trustee boards and staff of both charities will be integrated under the move.

“The merger will increase the skills, knowledge and resources of both agencies; and enable the continuation of excellent support to adoptive families and those in the adoption process,” said Adoption Focus chief executive Anna Sharkey.

“Through our combined expertise we will provide more placements for the children who need them.”

Faith in Families chair Edward Hayes added: “This creation of a new Midlands-wide adoption agency and children’s support-based charity brings new opportunities and benefits and ensures that our motto ‘from our traditional roots their future blossoms’ will continue to be the aim of our work for many years into the future.”

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