‘Perfect storm of financial challenges’ forces equality charity to close

The board of Wales based gender equality charity Chwarae Teg has announced it is to close with staff now being consulted around redundancy.

“It is with extreme sadness that the Board of Chwarae Teg has today agreed the proposed closure of the charity, said the charity’s chair Sharon Williams.

“Despite the best efforts of the recently appointed new leadership team, a perfect storm of financial challenges has left no other option available.”

Four years ago the charity set up a commercial arm FairPlay Trading to secure funding for the charity to replace lost European income.

“Although this has delivered successful projects empowering equality across Wales, it never became profitable. Last week we took the decision to put FairPlay Trading into liquidation,” said Williams.

An approach to Welsh Government for a rescue package had also failed, she said.

In addition the Wales European Funding Office has recently informed the charity that it had received an historic advance payment “which must now be addressed”.

“Combined with the difficult economic situation facing all charities this has left Chwarae Teg over-exposed financially," explained Williams.

"In order to do the right thing for our staff, clients and other stakeholders, controlled closure is now our only viable option,” she added.

"We recognise this is desperately sad news for our staff, funders and clients - but above all for the women of Wales who we have been so proud to serve over so many years.

“The team has recently secured a number of new contracts, which showed that the need for our work is as great as ever whilst signalling a sustainable future for the charity.

“Unfortunately, we have simply been unable to overcome this current financial crisis. We are working with other charities and partners to see if some of Chwarae Teg's current work streams can be delivered by other agencies.”

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