Charity regulator issues casework delay warning

The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland has warned charities that it “may take longer than usual” in dealing with registration and casework decisions.

A factor has been a landmark legal ruling four years ago which is creating an “ongoing impact” on its work.

This ruling in the Court of Appeal into the case of McKee & Others v Charity Commission for Northern Ireland means that all registration and casework decisions must be made by a committee of Commissioners.

Another factor has been “the loss of a few experienced members of staff”.

“The Commission is working to resolve this situation; however, this may take a number of months,” it warned.

The Commission added: “In the meantime, if there are special circumstances which mean your organisation is being disadvantaged due to waiting times you can contact us to request that we call your organisation forward to apply for registration early or deal with your application as a priority.

“The Commission may seek evidence of any such special circumstances, for example, a letter from a potential funder insisting on charity registration within a tight timeframe.”

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