Charity rebrands to better represent its support for underserved communities

Money4You has rebranded and from this week will be known as the Avocado Foundation.

The new name for the equality, financial literacy and support charity “embodies our core values and holistic approach to empowering underserved communities”, it said.

It added that it “reflects a deeper commitment to cultivating financial wellbeing for the individuals and communities we service”.

The choice of avocado is because it is “a fruit known for its potential to cultivate healthy growth” and “symbolises the potential for financial health and prosperity”.

It is also aimed to show that the charity does “more than just provide money”, adding “we equip individuals with the tools and knowledge for long-term financial success”.

Avocado Foundation founder AmickyCarol Akiwumi said: “The AVOCADO Foundation represents our deep-rooted commitment to empowering underserved communities to not just survive but thrive financially.

"This transformation allows us to provide a more comprehensive approach, fostering financial independence and a brighter future

As Money4YOU the Foundation has been involved in a raft of research around equality in the charity sector.

Last year it highlighted how artificial intelligence chatbot tools are failing to provide accurate funding opportunity information for global majority led charities.

In 2022 it uncovered lack of diversity in shortlists for the role of chair of the Charity Commission. It found that just one global majority candidate had been considered at the shortlist stage over the previous four years, a trend that is likely to stretch back to the creation of the role in 2006.

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