Match funder Big Give is inviting charities to apply to its fifth annual Women and Girls campaign.
Interested charities have until 30 May to apply for the event, which takes place from 8 to 15 of October and coincides with International Day of the Girl on 11 October.
Donations from the public to charities taking part will be matched by Big Give’s funders, including philanthropists, foundations and companies.
Philanthropists backing the campaign include Julia Rausing Trust, which has pledged £2m to support women and girls’ charities between 2024 and 2026/
Last year’s campaign raised more than £2.1m for 189 charities taking part and attracted more than 9,000 public donations. S.T.O.R.M Family Centre, Malala Fund UK, and Ethiopiaid were among good causes taking part.
“Given the impact our proven match funding model makes to the charities that take part in our campaigns, we encourage any suitable charity to come forward so they can double the difference for the causes they are fighting for,” said Big Give director Alex Day.
Last year was the first time a dedicated match funding event has surpassed established fundraisers such as Comic Relief and BBC Children in Need. Big Give’s Christmas Challenge event raised £44.7m, outstripping Comic Relief’s on the night total last year of £38.6m and Children in Need’s £39.2m raised.
See Also: The march of match funding
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