2023: Most read stories

We don’t know if it’s just us, but 2023 has felt like it’s both flown by and been a hard slog. What we do know however is that a lot has happened. Below, we link to some of the news and features you looked at the most.

Air Ambulance charity chair retires after 19 years

The chair of Yorkshire Air Ambulance is to retire after 19 years at the charity. Peter Sunderland joined the YAA in 2004 and was appointed chair two years later.

The charity sector ‘has an issue with class and privilege and is inherently ableist’, CEO warns

Most small charity leaders have a degree or higher qualification amid concerns that “leadership shouldn’t be based around privilege”, according to research revealed by the chief executive of a visual impairment charity.

CEO of Stonewall UK to Step down

Nancy Kelley, CEO of Stonewall UK has announced she is leaving the organisation at the end of July after three years in the role.

Announced over Twitter Kelley used a thread to describe the work the organisation has done during her time as CEO including a re-brand and the development of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales.

Four in ten one off online donations now made via digital wallets

Four in ten one off online donations to charities are now made through digital wallets on mobile phones, analysis has revealed.

Equality ‘remains a challenge’ for charities in 2023, NCVO warns

Ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining staff, the cost-of-living crisis, a lack of progress to end inequality in the sector and adapting to political and regulatory change, will dominate charity leaders agenda in 2023, a report is warning.

Exclusive: Sheila McKechnie Foundation accused of hoarding power in power sharing project

A freelancer with lived experience working with the Sheila McKechnie Foundation has accused the charity of failing to share power whilst working on the charity’s official Power Sharing Project.

International Women’s Day 2023: The women making a difference in the charity sector

In 2022, we launched the Charity Times' inaugural International Women’s Day list. It was received so well, we decided to do it again.

Social media trends charities need to be aware of in 2023

Charities are used to the evolving nature of social media, as the public’s tastes change and major platforms innovate.

Here we look at some of the key trends for charities to be aware of in 2023 as they develop their social media strategies and campaigning.

More pressing priorities’ preventing charities from tackling climate change, says survey

Charities are failing to act on their own concerns around the impact of climate change, a survey has revealed.

Best charity film makers revealed

Films about asylum seeker support and animal welfare are among the winners at this year’s Charity Film Awards, which took place as a hybrid event this week.

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* Coming soon… Howden, the new name for Endsleigh.