Free fundraising guide for small charities launches

A free guide to help small charities raise funds has been launched by marketing body the Worshipful Company of Marketors.

The guide is aimed at charities with an annual income less than £1m and has been written by marketing expert John Wheen, who is court assistant for the organisation.

The guide includes advice on maximising the fundraising potential of existing donors and supports as well as awareness raising messaging and communications.

It also offers links to fundraising organisations including Just Giving and “no brainer” strategies such as promoting gift-aid among supporters and using donate buttons online.

“In the current economic climate when people and organisations are increasingly tightening their belts, small charities have no choice but to up their game if they wish to compete for funding,” sad Wheen.

“That means working even more efficiently and employing every available strategy to attract donors and secure valuable funding.

“Those who run small charities might find that some fundraising strategies, such as approaching foundations and grant-making institutions, can yield the highest return on investment. And they don’t require additional resources besides time and research.

“Also, charities should consider whether they can actually make it easier for the public to donate to their causes. The appeal of digital technology is only set to grow.”

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