Former Mencap CEO to lead youth employability charity’s board

Edel Harris, who stepped down as chief executive of Mencap earlier this year, has been named as the next chair of youth employability charity EY Foundation.

The Foundation said it has appointed Harris due to her “extensive experience and a track record of high impact leadership across the charity sector”.

She also “brings a dedicated passion for supporting young people to succeed”, it added.

Prior to her four-year stint leading Mencap she spent 11 years as chief executive of Cornerstone Community Care. She is also a former chair of The Life Changes Trust and the Scottish Government’s Social Investment Fund.

She also spent five years as a non-executive director at Aberdeen Football Club Community Trust.

“She joins us at a crucial point in our development as we put the building blocks in place to achieve our long-term ambition to ensure all young people eligible for free school meals have the opportunity to succeed in the workplace,” said EY Foundation chief executive Lynne Peabody.

“Edel’s hugely impressive career achievements demonstrate the deep knowledge, insight and commitment to making a difference that she will bring to the charity and I can’t wait to start working with her.”

Harris replaces Patrick Dunne who has been appointed to chair the board of the Royal Voluntary Service.

“All my career I have championed social mobility and have worked alongside young people to ensure they have the same opportunities afforded to them, despite any disadvantage they may face,” said Harris.

“The EY Foundation is making a positive difference to many people’s lives and I am proud to take over the mantel from the current chair.”

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