Nominate the charity sector's 20 'pandemic pioneers'

The events of the pandemic have meant a lot of changes for charities over the last 18 months, including a move to digital, new ways of fundraising and a complete overhaul of the working environment. Now Charity Times is looking for the individuals who have left an impression - even as things get back to a 'new normal'.

Do you know a leader who has taken the crisis in their stride and used the events of the pandemic to transform how things are done? Or have they created/contributed to guidance that has helped charities along through the difficult times?

Please nominate up to two people you believe have helped to shape the charity sector during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nominees must be of chief executive level or equivalent and be part of a charity, or an organisation that works directly with charities, and have led on something that has transformed operations for more than one charity during the pandemic or heavily influenced the successful running of charities.

Nominations close: Friday 17 September.


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