Lasa launches Big Society online survey

The charity Lasa is conducting an online survey, called Big Society, Big Deal?

Lasa’s research will explore what third sector organisations in the UK think about the coalition government’s Big Society policy, how they think it will affect their funding and change the way they work with other charities.

Charities wishing to take part in the survey have until 5pm on Wednesday 27 October to complete the questionnaire, which aims to discover whether the Big Society policy represents an opportunity or a threat to the third sector.

The survey should only take between 5-10 minutes to complete and your views will help us work alongside third sector organisations across the UK to make the case for funding and support.

Zoe Amar, marketing and business development manager for Lasa, said: “Because Lasa works with over 4,000 charities each year, across welfare rights and technology, the survey will help shape the way we support them in the future.

“The results will provide useful insights into what third sector organisations really think about the Big Society, and what the long term effect of this policy could be on the third sector.”

We are hoping to receive several hundred responses from a wide range of UK charities before publishing the results in November.

To complete the survey please visit

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